Wednesday, July 24, 2013

3D Animation: Simple Robotic Arm

I wanted to test out my familiarity with rendering an animation sequence using Maxwell Render. Having been really impressed with what this render engine could do for still images, I wanted to find out how difficult or easy it would be for animation. So I pulled out a very old 3D homework I did when I was studying the basics of Maya and replaced the old materials with Maxwell's simple shades/materials. I didn't change any of the rigs or the model itself because I wanted to focus more on the rendering  procedure and I'm happy to say I found out that it was pretty easy to do - especially when I found out an online tutorial how and what to modify in the settings for Maxwell Render software.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

3D Product: Shampoo

Enjoying Maxwell Render for this simple and sleek 3D challenge...

Sunday, October 21, 2012

3D Scene: Halloween 2012

Another version of the scene without the scraps of cloth on Mr. Skelly can be seen after the jump.. 

Thursday, September 6, 2012